~LaKaRaN MinDa SeTuLus KaLbU~

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+ About me +Growing up...

+ Syed Mohd Fadhullah b Syed Ishak|
+ 27 FebruarY 1983|
+ Muadzam Shah(Pahang)|
+ s_fadhullah99@hotmail.com|
+ Surfing anythin'|
+ To Be A Good Muslim|
+ To Be A Good Son|

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:::MenYemAi UkhuWWaH:::

:::MaHaBBaH FiLLah:::

:::BerteMu Dan BerpiSaH KeraNaNYA:::

"Ukhwah yg terbina persis untaian tasbih, ada awal tiada penghujung, dibentuk utk mengingatiNya, dicantum kerana cintaNya, diratib semata2 kerana redhaNya, menitis air mata tika merasa kemanisannya"

"PeLiharA IkaTaN PerSaHabatAn SeLamaNya"

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+ Things To Do +Remember!!!

+ Kasihilah org yg membenci kita|
+ Senyumlah pada org yg menghina kita|
+ Pemurahlah pada org yg bakhiL dgn kita|
+ Maafkanlah atas perbuatan mereka|
+ Berdoalah moga diberi petunjukNYA|
+ Amin Ya Rabb!!|
+ Ya ALLAH, Lembutkanlah hati2 mereka|

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Assalamualaikum...Sajer Nak Luah Isi Hati:)

Praise be to ALLAH TAALA, The Almighty, eternal Blessings and Peace Upon The Glory of The Universe, The Best of Creation our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wassallam), His family and companions. First of aLL, i would like to say thanks all of you very much for visiting my bLoG.

Sekadar Luahan...I Believe, each person's journey through life is unique. Each has a different story to teLL. My journey took me through this new millenium generation my journey - within myseLf to the Source of aLL Life -ALLAH- Sometimes, in hearing or reading about another person's experiences or goals or desires or needs, we may learn something which will assist us in our own search. An idea expressed or an experience recounted may Lift a corner of tHe veiL for us. Perhaps, through this simpLe bLoG, I reaLLy hope that aLL of you will encounter a few words which wiLL ecourage us in our own personaL JourneY.

ALhamduLiLLah, by His Grace and Mercy, tHis momentous task is now complete, and I must say that I have enjoyed every minute of it, tHen, I would like to thanks those people:
--My Parents (Syed Ishak) N (Mahani Yusof), for give me my roots N my wings;
--My Siblings (Yana) N (DayaH) N (Apis), for bringing the giggles N tears of joy into my Life;
--My Teachers N aLL of My Friends, for aLL wonderful moments where we communicate with our hearts, when words could not avail us...

Last but not least, i want to wish 'Selamat Hari Raya AidiLfitri' foR aLL..pLease pray for me too. Maaf kalo ade salah N SiLap..May ALLAH bless aLL of You. Salam Perjuangan Dari Bumi Andalus, MOROCCO.

- cReateD by ~~Sayang Selamanya~~ @ 3:56 AM

*~~~↕KaLam BicaRa PenuLis↕~~~ *

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Rentetan Sepanjang Raya Di Bumi MoroCCo

+ Alhamdulillah setelah sekian lama tak type dlm blog nie??cuti raye so, blog pon bercuti...la ba'sa..alhamdulillah meskipon hidup diperantauan, dapat jugaklah merasa kenikmatan berhari raya di sini seolah2 seperti di Bumi Malaysia jugak..bermula raya pertama di Kedutaan Besar Malaysia..setiap student dr pelusuk Morocco berkumpul pada hari tue utk sama2 bertakbir raya, slat raya bersama dan jamuan hari raya bersama...Alhamdulillah dapat merasa kemeriahan sepertimana org2 kat Malaysia menyambutnya...Moga Ramadhan yg berlalu membawa sinar dlm kehidupan kita seharian dan dapat memperbaiki amalan kita, InsyaAllah...Kami di Bumi Morocco sambut raya pada hari Jumaat yg lalu..lewat sehari dr tempat2 yang lain...Apepon, salam Aidilfitri buat sahabat2 semua dan guru2 yang dikasihi:)

- cReateD by ~~Sayang Selamanya~~ @ 1:51 AM

*~~~↕KaLam BicaRa PenuLis↕~~~ *

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